Come find us where worlds collide

2 PM – 2 AM

A temporary escape from reality

Griffin’s Edge Bar is a privately-owned, cutting-edge establishment with something for everyone. From fine wines to sharp ciders to hard liquors from all over the worlds, we’re prepared to show you a time so good you’ll swear it can’t be real. Plus, we now serve a selection of appetizers and meals suited to every taste!

Open to guests of all varieties from anywhere beyond the bar, so long as the establishment’s rules are followed. All currencies accepted. No alcohol will be served to any visitors under 18, or the age equivalent for their origin. NO EXCEPTIONS.

We look forward to serving you at Griffin’s Edge, and we can’t wait to show you just how excellent the edge of reality can be!

“Truly an out-of-this-world experience, in the best possible way. stellar service, mystical atmosphere, and the best mixed drinks i’ve ever had”

— Elvis